Tips to Write Scholarship Wining Research Proposal:
The simplest definition of a research proposal Why do you need a research proposal? There are two main reasons:
1.This Is Part of Your PhD Admission Application And
2. You Have PhD You Are Working as A Lecturer or As A Professor Somewhere and You Want to Apply for Funding
So, In Both these Situations the Structure of The Research Proposal Will Stay Roughly the Same However the Strategy Will Be DifferentÛ”
To Discuss the Structure Of A Research Proposal some Universities Try To Assist Students By Giving Them a Template or A Set Of Questions so That They Can Answer Questions and help to make a Research Proposal. Also Apply to: Meta Research Fellowship | Facebook Paid Fellowship in USA
However, these are some of the elements that are globally accepted as part of a Research Proposal, which is why the Course Title A Research Proposal has a title Then There is a Problem Statement then You Have To Prove That The Research You Are Intending To Do Is Significant and I Will explain How You Can Do That Then You Also Need To Prove That this Research or This Project is Achievable Then The Committee, The Review Committee Or The Admission Committee Wants to See That You Have Self-Motivated For A Research Project.
For a doctoral research project, you must describe in your research proposal the methodology you will use. also because it is not an indefinite project so you have to describe your work plan and your timeline and you also have to prove that you know what you are talking about let’s say assume a situation in which you don’t know anything about a specific research area and you go somewhere and you say ok I am going to do this and maybe hundred people have already done that then the only thing you can get out of it is an embarrassment so how to avoid that.
now I will discuss first all these elements what they mean, and how you can do that and then at the end I will show you two more things first is how to put these elements in a section of a document which is your research proposal and the second thing is a slide which will show you some general tips about writing a research proposal.
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Title of Research Proposal:
Let’s talk about the title is mentioned at the top of this list but you will reach the title at the end of your proposal and by the end of this video you will understand why so the first and most important thing about your title is that your title must be accurate at this stage because at the later stages of your PhD the title of your research will change in most cases it will definitely change but at this stage, you must be able to describe this accurately.
the second thing is that you should give your title a very interesting angle you should present your title in a very interesting way giving it an interesting angle and interesting point of view.
the third thing is that your title should be a little bit catchier not too catchy so that it gets the attention of the committee.
now the next important thing is that if possible your title should contain some benefit to humanity, some benefit to your organization some benefit to the general industry.
The next point is that your title should be either new or modern. It must contain something new. Your methodology is part of your solution and your title should be easy to understand. If You Cannot Describe your Research Work In One Or Maximum Two Sentences To Someone Then You Don’t Understand It Well you Should Be Able To Present The Title In An Easy To Understand Manner And This Is Also important Because Some Of Your Committee Members May Not Be From Your Field So They Should Understand What Are You Talking About What Is Your Intending To Do And
The Last Point is That You Should Not Use Any Acronyms In Your Title So These Were Some Of The Points about the Title
Problem Statement:
Now The Next Element Of A Research Proposal Is The Problem Statement This Is very Important Because You Are Trying To Solve A Problem And In This Regards What You Need to Do Is Whatever You Present In This Problem Statement Should Base Upon Some Data You Can get This Data From Department Of Statistics Like Bureau Of Statistics Or Some Other Department whatever Is The Relevant Department But You Should Make This Foundation That There Is data Available That There Is A Problem So You Should Consider 4 Important Things About problem.
Statement Number 1 Your Problem Statement Must Have A Question A Problem What Is The Problem You Are Addressing In Your Research And The second important point is all the negative points of the current situation: what are the negative points? Why is there a research gap? What are the problems due to this gap? So these are all the negative aspects that you mention in your problem description. The third very important point in your problem description is why it matters. Why is it important to resolve this problem? What are the benefits and what is the gain? Size? Some more data if possible, so this is the third. Important element.
The Last Very Important Element Is That Your Problem Statement Must Not Contain Any Solution This Is Problem Statement After All!
Literature Review:
Now the third element is how you will prove that the research you intend to do is significant so the most important thing you should note here is that you can only evaluate if you have done the literature review now here is a point if you are applying for a PhD position a comprehensive literature review is not required but if you applying for funding, a comprehensive literature review is required so I would recommend that you at least do literature review using google scholar because you may not have access to other databases so with this literature review you should be able to realize that there is a gap in research and this gap if filled because not all gaps need to be filled some gaps are useless. there’s no point doing research in a strange area that no one has done before, so you need to show that this loophole is important and has some benefits. for the community or for the industry which is the target industry for your research so literature review will give you information about a research gap and then you have to prove that this gap is important to be filled the third thing you can do here to prove that your research will be significant is by showing that your method or your approach is a novel approach and this novel approach has certain advantages.
may be for the environment or for anything it depends on your field so i am not going into specifics i am trying to keep this very general so that students from any discipline can get some idea so these are three important points about significance.
Show that the fourth point you need to make is that it can be done. Your planned research is doable. So the first thing to do is to have some literature. There must be peer-reviewed published literature. In That Field Of Research And Sometimes People Get It Wrong They Think That if There Is No Literature, It Is Easy For Us To Do The Research But Actually It Is Wrong not Everyone Is Einstein And If There Is No Literature Available It Would Be Difficult for You To Do Research In That Field So Make Sure That There Is Some Public Literature available But That Literature Must Be Peer Reviewed Authentic Literature A Journal Article for Example So This Is One Thing
The Second Thing You Should Keep In Mind That You Must keep The Scope Very Limited If You Say That I Am Going To Remove The Hunger From This world That Is Not Achievable So Therefore If You Keep The Scope Limited If You Narrow down Your Research Topic That Basically You Trying To Achieve Is That This Goal Is Achievable at Least This Part This Narrowed Down Part Is Achievable So Don’t Keep Your Scope Very big Because The Committee Will Think That Is Not Achievable
Now the third component of this is that you can do this ok this is achievable a scientist has recommended this method and he proved that this is achievable then the scope is also limited but how will you prove that you can do this you also have to discuss this thing that you can do this there are few things you can demonstrate here the first is that if you have some published work in that area some students are smart they have publications while they are doing masters so if you have these you can straight away put your publications on the table and that it the second thing you can do is that if you have done some case study then you can prove this that i have done this case study so and so because some disciplines they do research by using case studies and the third thing which is most common you can do this that you have done a very relevant coursework so you can say that i have done a very good course work in this particular field and i am able to do this so this is these are some of the ways you can show that this is achievable and you can also do that now the next point is that the people looking at your proposal want to know that you are self-motivated and you have passion for this passion for this field of research you can simply state this statement but that means nothing if you say i am self-motivated, i have passion for this it means nothing at all so you have to somehow show that you are passionate about this field so how you can do that you can prove this by showing two things for example if you have done some volunteer work in that particular field you can say that i was volunteer for this field so i am passionate about this then if you have made some survey related to that particular field for example using a survey monkey website you can make a survey in 10 minutes so if you have made a survey and you have conducted a survey in some disciplines surveys are an important part of research you can say that i have conducted these surveys i have some results some data so i am passionate about this field then it will be ok then another thing which you can do is that if in the past you have done some unsupervised work where there was little or no supervision then you can prove that you have done this project unsupervised so you are self-motivated.
There Are a Couple Of Ways Let’s Say You Are writing Blog Posts About That Particular Topic On Various Blogs Online On Internet Or Websites you Can Say I’ve been writing on this topic for say two years, so that shows that you are passionate about this topic.
The element number six is that you have to show the methodology what theory or paradigm you are going to use for this research whether you will be suing quantitative methods, or qualitative methods if you are an engineering student you will be doing some experiments if you are a medical student you will be doing some case studies if you are from a marketing department you might be doing some surveys so these are the things you should be mentioned in this portion so the next point is about timeline and work plan so it’s obvious you have to give a timeline and i would recommend that you make this proposal in latex and you can also make a timeline a beautiful.
the last point is how would you demonstrate that you know what you are talking about again the very important thing all this proposal is based upon some sort of literature review and this literature review will give you the ability to demonstrate that you know what you are talking about and when you will put your references into the bibliography and if those references are of top researchers or good journal articles so it will demonstrate that actually you have done a proper research about this and you know what you are talking about so this shows you some of the general tips about writing a research proposal.
This is the last and here I have mentioned to you what elements you should put in which section of the actual document which you will prepare as your research proposal so this diagram is self -explanatory and there are no hard and fast rules you could add some more sections in the document for example resources or the equipment you need or some other sections but generally these sections are enough for your research proposal.