PUCIT 1st and General Merit List 2022 | Punjab University of College of Information:
PUCIT 1st and General Merit List 2022 | Punjab University of College of Information technology old and new campus merit list upload now. All Students who apply check merit lists.
Computer Science
Computer Science
First Merit List BS (DS) Morning
First Merit List BS (DS) Afternoon
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The Faculty of Computing and Information Technology was established on January 2021. The faculty consists of Department of Computer Science, the Department of Software Engineer, Department of Information Technology and Department of Data Science. Earlier it was working under Punjab University College of Information (PUCIT) Faculty of Science. The college had a modest beginning with the Center for Computer Science, established at the Center for Solid State Physics, Quaid-e-Azam (New) Campus. Lahore, in 1988. The first degree program offered by the center was a one-year Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Computer Science. 24 students were registered in this program during the first year. The center was upgraded to a Computer Science Department in 1991. Department started 2 years (4 semesters) PGD for MSc in Computer Science under annual system. In its first batch, 15 students were admitted to the program. The number doubled the following year.