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HomeScholarshipsDoctoral05 Ph.D. Degree Fully Funded Programs at NTNU in Norway

05 Ph.D. Degree Fully Funded Programs at NTNU in Norway

05 Ph.D. Degree Fully Funded Programs at NTNU in Norway

05 Ph.D. Degree Fully Funded Programs at NTNU in Norway are Open to all International Applicants who want to pursue higher education abroad. Applications are accepted worldwide for this Fully Funded Fellowship to pursue their Ph.D. Degree at NTNU. The NTNU will charge no Application Fee. Apply Here: Yenching Academy Fully Funded Scholarships 2023 in China

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The Government of Norway offers a lot of scholarships for International Students and NTNU Ph.D. Degree Program is also one of the best programs for the doctoral Degree. This Fully Funded program provides full financial benefits to selected candidates. IELTS or TOFEL Score may be required for the NTNU if you do not belong to an English Speaking Countries. Visit: 08 Postdoctoral Fellowships at the University of Surrey in England

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is one of the best Universities founded in 1996 and situated in  Trondheim, Norway. The NTNU is ranked 267th according to the Global Ranking of Universities. According to the QS World Ranking Of Universities, the ranking of this University is 292th Number. The  NTNU is an international standard University providing Quality environments to Researchers worldwide. Never miss this opportunity to study in Norway at NTNU. Full Details of the NTNU Ph.D. Degree programs are below lines:

Complete Overview of 05 Ph.D. Degree Programs in Norway:

  • Offered Degrees: Ph.D.
  • Fellowship Award: Fully Funded
  • University Name: Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU)
  • Host Country: Norway
  • Application Last Date: Open Now

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Must Visit: 05 Ph.D. Degree Fellowships at the University of Oslo in Norway

Apply Now: 05 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Cornell University  New York Fully Funded

1-NFR funded Ph.D. position in sensory biology of Octopus

Ph.D. student with expertise in  the sensory biology  of marine invertebrates,  particularly Eledone cirrhosis octopus, is needed. Through research  grant for FRIPRO’s  young talents, the NFR has supported the study. You will be  responsible to  Associate Professor Lena  van Giesen  for the duration of the three-year  appointment. This project will look into  how octopi use their unique  touch and taste modalities to adapt to various habitats, as well as how the  cellular and molecular  underpinnings of this behavior interact with the nervous  system’s peripheral distribution. To examine how species-specific variation in protein expression  and tuning is related, the study will  concentrate on ion channel biophysics with particular focus on chemotactic receptors (CRs) and combine the findings with cellular physiology, anatomy, and behavior.

Deadline :15th October 2023

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2-PhD Candidate in Developmental Neuroscience

The objective for position as Ph.D. The candidate is to finish doctoral coursework and earn doctoral degree. The job is  located in the recently  founded research group Quattrocolo, which  is component of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience. The Centre for  Algorithms in the Cortex, new center of excellence that  will be supported by  the Research Council  of Norway starting in 2023 and lasting  for ten years, has recently been  granted to the Kavli Institute  for Systems Neuroscience. We provide multicultural, multidisciplinary  setting that values and encourages  scientific conversation and creativity.

Deadline : 30th September 2023

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Visit: 20 University of Southern Denmark Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 in Denmark

3-PhD candidate in business and economics

The Institute for International Forretningsdrift (IIF) at NTNU in Lesund is seeking a Ph.D. candidate in the fields of economics and business. IIF has established itself as a strategic focus area and a research group for business transitions to sustainable development that researches to advance sustainable business development through new approaches, methodologies, and tools for sustainable market development, product innovation, strategic planning, and data analysis. The goal of this internship is to design, develop, and validate a beslutningssttemodel for the implementation of circular konomi for nringslivet in Mre and Romsdal to see which of the brakepowersutfordringene nringslivet stumbles over. This fellowship is one of a series of fellowships funded by the Mre and Romsdal (M&R) fylkeskommune to foster knowledge, competence, and competitiveness under the umbrella theme of “Sirkulous systems for a Breathtaking Mre and Romsdal.”

Deadline : 29th September 2023

 Apply Here

4-PhD Candidate in Digitalization of Healthcare Services

Are you considering pursuing your Ph.D. in a thriving IS group that supports Scandinavian IS and CSCW? Moreover, are you earning a competitive salary while pursuing your Ph.D.? Continue reading! One of the top IS and CSCW groups in Norway are found in the Information Systems and Software Engineering section of NTNU. In addition to hosting the Scandinavian IS conference the year before, Trondheim recently held the European CSCW conference. More than 20 Ph.D. students are engaged in numerous real-world case studies involving both public and commercial organizations that relate to IS and CSCW. We support diversity and work-life balance among our candidates and publish in prestigious conferences and publications in the industry.

Deadline : 22nd September 2023

Apply Here

Check: 07 Postdoctoral Fellowships in Norway at NTNU | Fully Funded

5-PhD and PD positions in the HYDROGENi team

Research initiatives aimed at allowing a sustainable hydrogen economy have over-arched these.With an overall research approach to build  methodologies and knowledge in cross disciplinary teams that balance technical push an application pull, HYDROGENi offers communit where knowledge, experience, an ideas are shared.

Deadline: Open until filled

Apply Here

How to Apply Complete step by Step Process:

M. Faisal Usman
M. Faisal Usman
Muhammad Faisal Usman Founder & CEO of Beta Scholarships, His aim is to help students worldwide get access to international research and higher education opportunities, scholarships, and other programs. To achieve this goal, he has created Beta Scholarships, which is the largest educational website providing details on scholarships, exchange programs, internships, Jobs, and more. The platform is free of Cost and helps students fulfill their dreams of higher education in different countries, particularly those who lack guidance and Funds. Faisal Usman is also Research Scholar & Expert Career Counselor. He provides guidance on subject selection and career counseling and has expertise in various areas such as digital marketing, creative writing, and leadership abilities.

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